雅思口语利器Powerful Spoken Idioms (1-30)
2018-11-05 正领国际教育

在雅思口语四项评分标准中,有一项就是Lexical Resource(简称LR),具体要求如下:


看到这里,细心的同学可能就会发现:雅思口语LR 要想达到7分及以上,就必须具有使用惯用语的能力^_^恰当的使用惯用语,不但能凸显出你口语表达的地道性,也更容易让你在雅思口语考试中脱颖而出~所以雅思口语想要取得理想成绩的小伙伴们,好好地学习惯用语吧!


口语考场上,想要表达“开心”还在说“happy”的话,你就out啦!每个考生都会说的单词,考官们早就听腻了,更何况如此大众化的表达,如何能秀出你的口语的地道性呢~要想凸显出你的与众不同,不如试试这些惯用语吧:be on cloud nine/ be on top of the world/ be over the moon。如此高大上的表达,定能吸引考官的耳朵,让他们对你刮目相看~


1. add insult to injury 雪上加霜

I said nothing more, because I did not want to add insult to injury.

John took the damaged briefcase back to the shop. The assistant refused to give him arefund. To add insult to injury, she accused him of damaging the briefcase himself.

2. the apple of someone’s eye掌上明珠

I have never been the apple of my father’s eye.

Alice was teased for being the apple of the teacher’s eye.

3. as a matter of fact 事实上

I know Carol very well. As a matter of fact, we live in the same street.

No, Jack did not buy me the cheapest ring in the shop. As a matter of fact, it was one of the most expensive.

4. as blind as a bat 视力极差

If you can’t see that dirty mark on the wall, you must be as blind as a bat!

The room was very dark. I was as blind as a bat until I found the light switch.

5. as good as gold 很乖

Sam is always as good as gold when he visits his aunt and uncle.

‘I hope the children behaved themselves.’

‘Yes, they were as good as gold.

6. as light as a feather 轻如鸿毛

My backpack felt as light as a feather when I put it on. But after I had been walking for two hours, it seemed to weigh a ton!

This fleece jacket is as light as a feather. But it’s really warm.

7. as pretty as a picture 美丽如画

Grandma was as pretty as a picture when she was a young girl.

The garden is as pretty as a picture at this time of the year.

8. as white as a sheet 脸色煞白

Mrs. Smith put down the letter, her face as white as a sheet.

When Mark saw what was on the plate, he went as white as a sheet and said he felt sick.

9. at a loose end 无事可做

Having finished her homework early, Jane was at a loose end for the rest of the evening.

I was at a loose end, so I went for a walk by the river.

10. at the top of your voice 扯开嗓门

I shouted for help at the top of my voice, but no one heard me.

Michael was singing along to the radio at the top of his voice.

11. beat about the bush 拐弯抹角

I won’t beat about the bush. We’re in serious financial trouble.

Stop beating about the bush and tell me what has gone wrong.

12. beat some hollow 大获全胜

Don’t play chess with Mary. She’s the national chess champion. She’ll beat you hollow.

The final score was 14-1: the other team beat us hollow.

13. beggars can’t be choosers 乞丐没法挑肥拣瘦

We will have to sit at the back of the theatre. There are very few tickets left, and beggars can’t be choosers.

Mary would have preferred to stay at a better hotel, but beggars can’t be choosers.

14. bend over backwards 竭尽全力

The management has bent over backwards to treat its employees with equality.

The hospital staff bent over backwards to make the patients as comfortable as possible.

15. be seeing things 产生幻觉

I thought there was a car outside. I must have been seeing things.

Am I seeing things or is that dog walking on its hind legs?

16. the best of both worlds 两全其美

The students in this hostel have the best of both worlds. There’s a well-equipped kitchen, and a cafeteria for those who do not want to cook for themselves.

Living here we have the best of both worlds. We are not far from the city, but weare surrounded by beautiful countryside.

17. bite off more than you can chew 不自量力

Break down your study schedule into small, manageable sections. Don’t bit off more than you can chew.

Carol offered to make all the brides maids’ dresses for her sister’s wedding. She soon realized that she had bitten off more than she could chew.

18. the black sheep of the family 害群之马

My father’s sister is the black sheep of the family, but no one will tell me why.

Uncle Peter,the black sheep of the family, was a compulsive gambler.

19. burn the midnight oil 熬夜

Mrs. Leeprefers to go to bed early, but her husband likes to burn the midnight oil.

We had to burn the midnight oil to complete the work on time.

20. catch someone red-handed 当场抓住

Tom was caugh tred-handed. He could not deny his guilt.

These cameras can help the police to catch criminals red-handed.

21. come rain or shine 风雨无阻 (有时简化为rain or shine)

Carol is a good friend. I know that she will always stand by me, rain or shine.

The newspaper seller sits at the corner of the street, come rain or shine.

22. crocodile tears 假慈悲

Old Mr.Jones was hated by all who knew him, though many shed crocodile tears at his funeral.

The woman murdered her husband. She wept crocodile tears when the body was discovered.

23. daylight robbery 漫天要价

The bus company was accused of daylight robbery when it raised its fares by more than fifty per cent.

They charge you twenty dollars to look round the ruins. It’s day light robbery.

24. do a roaring trade 产品大卖

If it lowered its prices, the company would do a roaring trade.

We did a roaring trade selling cold drinks to the hot, thirsty tourists.

25. do someone a power of good 大有好处

Take this medicine. It’ll do you a power of good.

Seeing his daughter and grandchildren did the old man a power of good.

26. do the trick 奏效

If you want to make your windows look sparkling clean, a drop of vinegar in the water will do the trick.

I could not make my hair look right so I borrowed a bit of my brother’s hair gel. That did the trick.

27. donkey work 苦差

The manager takes the credit when things go well, but her staff do all the donkey work.

Rich people have servants to do their donkey work for them.

28. donkey’s years 很久

Mr. Jones has been teaching chemistry at this school for donkey’s years.

Your grandparents lived in this house donkey’s years ago.

29. draw the line 拒绝

I will not let people come into the shop wearing swim suits. You have to draw the line somewhere.

Jack reluctantly agreed to apologise, but he drew the line at offering to pay for the damage.

30. easier said than done 说比做容易

Persuading Dad to lend us the money will be easier said than done.

They needed to find a room for the night. That was easier said than done at the height of the holiday season.

今天就给大家分享30个英语惯用语,小伙伴们可以每天背一个并且不断复习巩固,一个月就能掌握啦~学习英语贵在坚持,日积月累会越来越棒噢~A journey of one thousand miles begins with a single step.

雅思口语考试不但是language test, 也是general knowledge test~专业老师的特定指导能让你们少走弯路,进而帮助你们更快的提高成绩~想要真正提高雅思成绩的小伙伴们,可以来正领找雅思听说读写全能的Sally老师噢^_^


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