对于雅思口语,相信很多同学都有一个共同的体验,就是在考官发问后总是无话可说,尤其在分析性很强的Part 3部分。就算能产生很多想法,也没有办法有逻辑地表达出来,最后只能无条理地说一通,东扯一句,西扯一句,听得考官一头雾水,连贯度(coherence)也就彻底凉了,临走前考官对你微微一笑,仿佛对你说:“欢迎下次光临”。
今天,周老师要从思路方面,教大家一个有效的方法组织语言(尤其适用于Part 3),叫做“原因法”。顾名思义,原因法就是要大家在回答问题的时候找原因,这里的原因不需要多么高大上,多么智慧,多么哲学,只要能简单有效地为你的观点辩护就行。换句话说,就是接地气。其实,雅思口语中的绝大多数问题都能用原因法解决。比如以下几个问题:
问:Do you think most people want to succeed in life?
回答:Yes, most people are keen to succeed because they believethat is the meaning of their life...
问:Which do you think is better for advertising, radio or TV?
回答:I guess TV is more effective for advertising compared to radio, themain reason is that commercials on TV are more visually appealing than...
问:Can you think of any examples of unusual activities that some peopledo in their free time?
回答:Oh, of course, my best guess are educational and informative thingslike reading or watching documentaries, you know, people rarely do these thingsnowadays because they become very keen on entertaining activities likewatching TV shows and playing games.
这个更高级的方法从两个维度进行展开,横向(horizontal)和纵向(vertical)。先来看纵向,纵向回答非常好理解,就是需要对问题进行深入剖析,不断问自己“why?”。通过这种方式,我们可以从表面向纵深进行探究,想出很多在逻辑上联系紧密的观点。比如在回答“Can you explain why some people like to travel away fromhome?”
这个问题的时候,首先需要给出一个原因说明为什么一些人背井离乡去外地。通常我们最先想到的原因是去大城市工作(They get away from home because they need to search for jobs.)。给出这个原因之后,我们还继续问自己why?为什么要去外地工作? 因为大城市工作机会多(There are plenty of employment opportunities in big cities)。
继续询问自己原因(为什么人们背井离乡去工作机会多的地方?)因为这样人们可以有更多机会对比和筛选适合自己的工作(It’s easier for people to compare different job positions and findthe one that fits)。
继续找原因,我们又想到:通过对比和筛选,人们更容易获得自己喜欢的工作。(In this way, they can have a job that gives them job satisfaction),继续向自己发问“why?”,我们又得到:Peoplewill enjoy a better life if they’re satisfied with their job(只有工作满意,才能生活满意).
到此为止,我们已经从“背景离乡”开始,谈到“更好的生活”,我们在这两个点之间架起了一座逻辑的桥梁。很多同学会问:“要提问到什么时候才可以停止找原因?”答案是说到一个大家都普遍认可的道理就可以,在上面回答中,当说到“更好的生活”时就可以停了,因为基本每个人都想要更好的生活,可以说算是一个人人都赞成的观点;而且说到这里,已经有五句话了,对于Part 3问题已经足够长了。
Canyou explain why some people like to travel away from home?
问:Can you explain why somepeople like to travel away from home?
答:I’ll put it down to the fact that people need to searchfor jobs. You know, there are plenty of employment opportunities in big cities.It’s easier for job seekers to compare different job positions and find the onethat fits their needs in these cities. By this means, they can have a job thatgives them better job satisfaction. It is natural that people will enjoy abetter life if they’re satisfied with their job. So, that’s probably the mainreason why people, especially young people, keep migrating from their home toother places.
BritishCouncil对于8分标准的连贯度给出这样的描述:develops topics coherentlyand appropriately(连贯并恰当地展开话题)。通过这种原因法组织的答案有着紧密的逻辑关系,只要经过重复训练,能够顺利帮助同学们在连贯度(coherence)方面取得很好的成绩。