2018-05-17 正领国际教育



使用纵向思维,需要对一个观点进行深入剖析,直到找到一个被普遍认可的观点,用这种思维回答问题时需要问自己“why?”;而在横向(horizontal)思维中,我们要对观点进行横向延展,我们需要问自己“why else?”(还有什么原因?)。在纵向中,我们思考的是一个观点,但是在横向中,我们需要想出不止一个观点。 

举个例子,我们继续分析上一篇的例子:Can you explain why some people like to travel away from home?我们很自然地想到第一个原因:People get away from home because they need to search for jobs. 当然,根据自身经历,我们还可以找到其他原因,比如:because they want to experience some change in their life; becausetheir home is a place which reminds them of something sad; because they’recurious about what the world is like outside their hometown. 这些原因都可以作为上面问题的回答。我们只需要把它并列的连接成答案即可。请看更直观的逻辑图:



问:Can you explain why some people like to travel away from home?

答: I guess different people choose to get away from home for theirpersonal reasons. Some people want to experience some change in their life; ormaybe for some people, home is just a place which reminds them of somethingsad; and there are always some people who are curious to know what the world islike outside their hometown.




问:Can you explain why some people like to travel away from home?

答: I guess different people choose to get away from home for theirpersonal reasons. Some people want to experience some change in their life.They see change as an opportunity to develop and improve, so staying at theirhometown for a long time is just a kind of slow death for them; or maybe forsome people, home is just a place which reminds them of something sad. Youknow, when people are getting hurt, they instinctively want to stay away fromthings that sting, so they just escape from home; Finally, there are alwayssome people who are curious to know what the world is like outside theirhometown, they’re eager to learn about other cultures and customs. Staying athome just prevent them from doing that.



上一篇:为你揭秘,雅思口语考试过程原来是这样... 下一篇:雅思口语秘籍-纵向展开法