正领睿学 > 语言课程辅导 > 雅思课程
2018-05-23 正领国际教育

上周我们共同见识了复联英雄们如何成为大家的外挂雅思口语助攻,本周Jenny老师带大家来看一下另外一个强大的联盟,她们就是没事聚在一起“切茶嘎三胡”的“绝望的主妇”本妇们。没错,是另外一部旁白都令人回味无穷的生活类美剧,<Desperate Housewives>啦。



雅思口语Part 2常考题之:照片

Describe a photo you have taken

You should say:

Where you took it

When you took the photo

What/who is in the photo

And explain how you felt about the photo

思路很清晰,按照话题卡顺序直接陈述便可,语言能力强的同学也可以在描述how you felt about the photo的时候拓展一下,说出拍照给你带来了什么感受。


Season 4- episode 15

It happens the second Sunday of every May. We celebrate the women who give us life and so much more. The ones who protect us at all costs, who have the courage to fight those who would do us harm, who put our happiness ahead of their own. But mostly, we celebrate a mother's love, which is constant, eternal, and there from the very beginning.   


Season 2- episode 7

Yes, cameras are tools designed to capture images. But in truth, they can capture so much more. They can uncover hidden longing of men who should no longer care. They can reveal the extraordinary secrets of the most ordinary marriages. Most amazing of all, cameras can quietly and clearly reveal to us our dreams-- we didn't even know we had. 



Speak of photos, the most impressive one was taken by me on Mother‘s Day last year.  I was at home with my family watching a reality show on TV. I didn’t take the photo on purpose actually. And every time I look at it on my computer screen, it reminds me of the great love mothers pour on their children. In the photo, my mom was concentrating on the show while my younger brother leaned on her shoulder eating nuts. My little niece was in that photo too. She was sleeping in her bed with her mother gently patting her. Two mothers in one photo, they showed their love to their children.

The photo is also a timeless reminder that on the second Sunday of every May, we celebrate the women who give us life and so much more. The ones who protect us at all costs, who have the courage to fight those who would do us harm, who put our happiness ahead of their own. But mostly, we celebrate a mother's love, which is constant, eternal, and there from the very beginning.

This photo is also an inspiration. I found out that cameras are tools designed to capture images. But in truth, they can capture so much more. They can reveal the extraordinary surprises of the most ordinary days (这里稍微做了处理,将marriage改为days, 更为贴近考生。). Most amazing of all, cameras can quietly and clearly reveal to us our dreams-- we didn't even know we had.


上一篇:美国大学毕业典礼演讲系列—— 艾伦.德詹尼丝 & 雅思口语话题:一个喜剧演员 下一篇:我的Toastmasters演讲比赛冠军之路(下篇)